April 26, 2022

What Band Member Are You?

Band or Business — Everyone Plays A Role

#teamwork #leadership #collaboration #brettsnowball

Everyone wants to play in a band. But not all of us are cut out for tour life. Thankfully, we can adapt these roles into our regular, work life. It helps us feel a little closer to the action. Hopefully these resonate with you.

Instead of your typical boring guide — we’ve infused it with a musical undertone that makes it more applicable to music lovers, or daydreaming rock stars alike. 🎶🎵

In this guide, you’ll learn how to:

✅ Identify your strengths
✅ Understand your team dynamics
✅ Communicate effectively with your colleagues
✅ Collaborate with others to achieve common goals
✅ And much more!

Create harmony in your team and hit all the right notes with your colleagues. 🎼

Aka — The Storyteller

These are the people who are able to conceptualize ideas, and present them to clients or teams. They command the stage — knowing when to double-down when stakes are highest, or create tonal softness when things get tense.

Aka — The Linguist

These are the people who are able to conceptualize ideas, and present them to clients or teams. They command the stage — knowing when to double-down when stakes are highest, or create tonal softness when things get tense.

Aka — The Organizer

The wrangler of the group. This person gets everyone in the room, at the same time, to achieve the one common goal. They have the widest skillset. No only do they have a great listening ear, but they also fill in gaps when people aren’t available to pull their weight.

Aka — The Specialist

This person brings the fire and passion to a project. They play face-melting solos, but also melodies that make you cry. They’re hyper-focused on their craft, and bringing multiple ideas to life throughout project cycles. They love to work.

Aka — The Experiences

The backbeat to our ensemble. This person provides the foundation — with
and being the most experienced and being the most adaptable on the team. Fast or slow, they set the groove for workflow. They bring balance to our most challenging problems, and champion our wins the loudest.

We all play an important role in our “band” at work. Do you ever find yourself struggling to figure out what your role is? Think about the role you play, and how important your role is within the context of a team objective.

Perhaps you’re not sure how to contribute effectively or feel like you’re not making the most of your strengths. Many people struggle with finding their place in a team.

The Question:
What position do you play within your team/organization?
Think about the role you play for you “band” and how important your role is within the context of a team objective.

The Takeaway:
Your role within the band is imparative to it’s success.
Whichever role you fall into — a successful, functioning, profitable, and kick-ass band requires someone at every level.